Time: 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM Location: Rockefeller Hall Chair: Jennifer Mueller, Associate Professor, Marymount Manhattan College, jmueller@mmm.edu Discussant: Jennifer Mueller, Associate Professor, Marymount Manhattan College, jmueller@mmm.edu Note: Undergraduate Presenter email addresses are withheld for the protection of the students. Papers: China’s Defiance of United States Hegemonic Power in Latin America (Case Study: Brazil, Argentina, and Chile) Christopher Ramirez, Vassar College, cramirez@vassar.edu Building Resilience: A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Post-Conflict Recovery Through Economic Policy, Social Capital, and Third-Party Interventions Cooper Stine, Fairfield University & Annabelle Worrell, Fairfield University Arms Transfers and Children’s Rights: A study of Arms Manufacturer’s Responsibility Mariia Lemza, Vassar College & Jasper Selwood, Vassar College