Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Location: Rockefeller Hall Chair: Robin Lauermann, Messiah University, rlauerma@messiah.edu Discussant: Robin Lauermann, Messiah University, rlauerma@messiah.edu Note: Undergraduate Presenter email addresses are withheld for the protection of the students. Papers: The Effects of Fusion-Voting in Connecticut & New York Mathew Biadun, Eastern Connecticut State University Crisis & Activism: Youth Political Participation in the Late Nineteenth – And Early Twenty-First Centuries Caroline Lewis, Fairfield University The Impact of Digital Campaigns and Tools on Voting Behavior and Political Engagement Among Younger Voters Zia-Grace Generette, Eastern Connecticut State University Parenting Styles: A Generational Approach for Understanding Sociopolitical Tolerance Connor Dalgaard, Vassar College Barriers to the Ballot: Extreme Action Needed to Combat an Extreme Threat Kira Hanner, Quinnipiac University Religion and State Welfare Spending within the United States Preston Reese-Grimm, Ripon College