State and Local—SL 1 / Politics and Policy in the Empire State / Friday Session 2

Time: 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM                  Location: Rockefeller Hall

Chair: Lisa K. Parshall, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Daemen   University & Policy Fellow, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government,

Discussant: TBD


Rolling Back the Welcome Mat? New York City's Migrant Reception Policies Since 2022

Jacki Vimo, Assistant Professor, Montclair University,

New York State's Campaign Finance Reform Effort Had A Minor Effect on Election Results in 2024

Kevin Bronner, Instructor, Nelson  A. Rockefeller College of   Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany,

Understanding New York State Governance Through the Framework of Crises

Laurie Buonanno, Professor, Buffalo State University, & Lisa K. Parshall, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Daemen         University & Policy Fellow, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government,

Missed Opportunities: NYC Agency Based Voter Registration

Margaret Groarke, Professor, Manhattan University,                          & Ishaan Jani, Graduate Student, Manhattan University,

EMS as an Essential Service: Considerations for Local and State      Governments

Allison Knox, Richard P. Nathan Fellow, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of     Government,