Political Theory—PT 2 / Thinking about Liberation: Feminist and Abolitionist Politics / Saturday Session 1

Time: 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM                  Location: Rockefeller Hall

Chair: Toby Reiner, Associate Professor, Dickinson College, tobyreiner@gmail.com, reinerj@dickinson.edu

Discussant: Toby Reiner, Associate Professor, Dickinson College, tobyreiner@gmail.com, reinerj@dickinson.edu



Memes & Memorials: The Digital Politics of Gender Violence and Urban Space

Helena Najm, Graduate Student, CUNY Graduate Center, HelenaNajm@gmail.com &    Carmen Melillo, Graduate Student, CUNY Graduate Center, cmelillo@gradcenter.cuny.edu

Abolition's Arc: Tracing the development of abolitionist theory in Angela       Davis's work

Wendy Wright, Assistant Professor, William Paterson University, wrightw1@wpunj.edu, wendylwright@gmail.com 

Echoes of Lysistrata: Reassertion of Feminist Autonomy in the War of Position

Zachary Thomas, Instructor, Bergen Community College, zthomas1@bergen.edu,    zthomas1@bergen.edu