Political Theory- PT 1 / Inside/Outside: Borders, Belonging, and Selfhood / Friday Session 1

Time: 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM                Location: Rockefeller Hall

Chair: Jeff Miller, SUNY New Paltz, millerj@newpaltz.edu

Discussant: Jeff Miller, SUNY New Paltz, millerj@newpaltz.edu


A Walzerian Theory of Relatively Open Borders

Toby Reiner, Associate Professor, Dickinson College, tobyreiner@gmail.com, reinerj@dickinson.edu

To Feel the Ground Again: Political Membership in Ignazio Silone’s Fiction

Geoffrey Kurtz, Associate Professor, BMCC-CUNY, gkurtz@bmcc.cuny.edu

The Most Totalitarian Society Yet Realized: Freedom and Spontaneity in Hannah Arendt

Antaripa Bharali, Graduate Student, CUNY Graduate Center,                              antaripabharali1@gmail.com, abharali@gradcenter.cuny.edu 

Reification, Fetishization and the "Primal Pseudos": Adorno's (Non-)Theory of Nationalism

Daniel Rogers, CUNY Graduate Center, dgr642@gmail.com