Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Location: Rockefeller Hall Chair: Harvey Strum, Full Professor, Russell Sage College, strumh2hotmail.com Discussant: Scott Monje, Independent Scholar, smonje@optonline.net Papers: US supported Radio Free Europe's Bulgarian Broadcasting around the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War Kristian Kafozoff, History Professor at Union County College NJ & Doctoral Candidate at St John’s University NY, k.kafozov@gmail.com NGO influence on the World Bank Chibuzo Achinivu, Visiting Assistant Professor, Vassar College. cachinivu@vassar.edu Silencing Dissent: Russia's Violation of Freedom of Expression Zenun Hoti, MPA, Binghamton University, hoti.zenun@gmail.com Eschewing American Hegemony; The Beginning of the 2nd Trump Administration and the Path to a Century of Autocracy Under the Spheres of Influence of the Great Powers Brian Ford, Independent Scholar, NYC DOE / Retired, bpford1@gmail.com