Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Location: Rockefeller Hall Chair: Yunus Sozen, Assistant Professor, Le Moyne College, sozenmy@lemoyne.edu Discussant: Yunus Sozen, Assistant Professor, Le Moyne College, sozenmy@lemoyne.edu
Papers: The Drug War in Mexico: Understanding Perceptions of Insecurity Richard Huizar, Associate Professor, William Paterson University, huizarr@wpunj.edu The Impact of Polarization on Gender Inequality Across Democracies Aline Van Neutgem, Graduate Student, The City University of New York - Graduate Center, avanneutgem@gradcenter.cuny.edu National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plans: What European Countries Can and Should be Considering Going Forward Peter Mameli, Associate Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY, pamameli@gmail.com |