Time: 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM Location: Rockefeller Hall Chair: Chibuzo Achinivu, Assistant Professor, Vassar College, cachinivu@vassar.edu Discussant: Chibuzo Achinivu, Assistant Professor, Vassar College, cachinivu@vassar.edu Papers: Changing the Rules of Deliberation and Decision-Making: From Participatory to Plebiscitary Democracy Sawyer Rogers, Graduate Student, University of Massachusetts Amherst, sbrogers@umass.edu Democratic Demise or Resilience? A Longitudinal Study of Diffuse and Specific Political Support in South Africa over 20 Years Sarah Beth Giles, Graduate Student, Stellenbosch University, giles.sarah@icloud.com Revisiting Explanations For The Electoral Success of the Populist Radical-Right. A Supply Side Analysis of The Electoral Success of the French National Rally Between 2022 and 2024 Sebastien Lazardeux, Associate Professor, St John Fisher University, slazardeux@sjfc.edu & Emma Senglaub, Undergraduate Student, Colgate University, esenglaub@colgate.edu How the Opposition Failed Democracy in Turkey: Opposition Coordination in an Electoral Authoritarian Regime Yunus Sözen, Assistant Professor, Le Moyne College, sozenmy@lemoyne.edu |