Time: 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM Location: Rockefeller Hall Chair: Jeffrey Kraus, Professor, Wagner College, jkraus@wagner.edu Discussant: Jeffrey Kraus, Professor, Wagner College, jkraus@wagner.edu Papers: Failures of Transformational Leadership: Secular Time, Attempted Reconstructions, and Anomalies in Political Time Ryan Pettibone, Adjunct, SUNY Albany, rtpettibone@gmail.com A Theory on the Development of Radical Collective Identity and Use of Unconventional Political Action in American Social Movements Emily Matott, graduate student, SUNY Albany, ematott@albany.edu Your First Amendment Right: Protests and the Media Vanessa Chamorro, graduate student, Purchase College, SUNYvcham03@gmail.com & Carissa Cunningham, adjunct, Purchase College, SUNY, carissa.cunningham@purchase.edu Old Tool in New Hands: Flipping the Script on the Debt Limit Debate Jim Twombly – Elmira College (Emeritus), jtwombly@elmira.edu |