UG1 - Legal History and Policy - Friday, March 31, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Main Hall 23)

Chair & Discussant: Peter Richardson, Northeastern University

Paper: Author(s): Affiliation:
Shame of the Nation: An Evaluation of Native American Voter Suppression Annabelle Bangs  Binghamton University
Montesquieu’s Penal Philosophy: On Talion, the Death Penalty, and Corporal Punishment Skyler Goldberg  Tufts University
Immigration, Citizenship, and Demography: A Study of Immigrants’ Treatment in the New York Court System

Nathaniel Dexter

Tara Lohani

Vassar College
Democratic Representation in the 21st Century: The Significance of Government Structures in Counteracting Cognitive Bias Benjamin Amram  Reichman University

Why Authoritarian Groups Target LGBTQ+ People

Dylan Thompson Utica College